For more details see also: Empirical Work in The Social Sciences; Mixed, Fixed, and Random Effects Models; Linear Models; Interaction Models; Instrumental Variables; Instrumental Variables and Selection Bias; Difference-in-Difference Estimators & Propensity Score Matching in Higher Education Research
Ordinary Least Squares(OLS):
y = b0 + b1x +e
y = b0 + b1x1 + b2x2
+e 2-variable
y = bx + e , b =
(x’x)-1x’y vectorized multivariable case
Ordinary Least Squares(OLS) provides the best linear
approximation to the population conditional expectation function f(x) = E(y|x),
even if the CEF is non-linear. OLS does
not hinge on linearity as an empirical tool for assessing the essential
features of causal relationships. The least squares regression equation is causal to the extent that the population CEF is causal.
Interaction Models: y = b0 + b1x +
b2z +b3xz + e
The relationship between x and y is conditional on z. Ex: If
z is binary, the the marginal effect of x on y can be expressed as follows:
∂y/∂x = b1+b3z for
z= 1
∂y/∂x = b1
for z= 0
Selection Bias:
Ci= choice/selection/treatment
Y0i= baseline potential outcome
Y1i = potential treatment outcome
E[Yi|ci=1] - E[Yi|ci=0]
=E[Y1i-Y0i|ci=1] +{ E[Y0i|ci=1] - E[Y0i|ci=0]}
Observed effect =
treatment effect on the treated + {selection bias}
If the potential outcomes
‘Y0i’ for those that are treated non-randomly or self
selected (ci=1) differ from
potential outcomes ‘Y0i’ from those that are not treated or don’t
self select then the term { E[Y0i|ci=1]
- E[Y0i|ci=0]} could have a positive or negative value,
creating selection bias. When we calculate the observed difference between
treated and untreated groups E[Yi|ci=1]
- E[Yi|ci=0] selection bias becomes confounded with
the actual treatment effect E[Y1i-Y0i|ci=1] .
Independence Assumption (CIA):
E[Yi|xi,ci=0]= E[Y1i-Y0i|xi]
With conditional on ‘x
‘comparisons, selection bias
Matching Estimators:
make comparisons across groups with similar ‘matched’ covariate values.
E[Y1i-Y0i|ci=1] Σ δxP(xi=x|ci=1)
The matching estimator calculates
an average of the difference between groups( δx )weighted by the
distribution of covariates P(xi=x|ci=1) .
Regression Estimators: OLS provides a matching estimator based on a
variance weighted average of treatment effects:
b = (x’x)-1x’y or Cov(x,y)/Var(x).
Propensity score matching works
similar to covariate matching except comparisons are made based on scores vs.
specific covariate values. OLS with proper controls (the same covariates used
in matching, or the same x’s used to generate the propensity scores)provides a
robust matching estimator that gives very similar results to explicit matching
estimators and propensity score matching estimators.
Fixed Effects and Heterogeneity:
Mixed Models: y = bx
+ zα + e ; bx = fixed effects
(FE); zα +e = random effects (RE)
Heterogeneity: unobserved
individual effects
FE: capture individual effects by
shifting the regression equation with a dummy variable ‘d’
y = bx + d α + e
RE: assumes that individual
effects are randomly distributed across individuals, modeled as a random
intercepts model the RE model is a special case of the general mixed model
y = bx + α + e
Instrumental Variables:
Suppose you are trying to assess
the treatment effect of ‘s’, but there is some omitted factor A that is not
accounted for, or there is some component ‘A’ related to ‘s’ that is not
observable or measurable. We say that there is measurement error in ‘s’.
y = b0 + b1s + b2A +e full
y = b0 + b1s + e short regression given observable data on ‘s’ omitting ‘A’; e = b2A
To the extent that ‘A’ is
correlated with‘s’ we have omitted variable bias in our estimate of b1
, the treatment effect. IV techniques attempt to estimate b1 using
only the ‘quasi-experimental’ proportion of variation related to ‘s’ but
unrelated to A. If we could observe ‘A’
we would just include it in the regression, or if we could properly measure ‘s’
we would not require IVs.
IV estimation requires that we
find some variable ‘z’ correlated with ‘s’ but uncorrelated with the
measurement error; E(z,e)=0. The only
relationship between ‘z ‘and the outcome ‘y ‘should be through ‘s’, so we have z→s→y and
E(y|z) = b E(s|z) + E(e|z) ; given E(e|z) = 0 bIV= E(y|z)/E(s|z)
IV estimates are 2-stage
regression estimates:
s* = bz
y =bs*→bIV
Difference in Difference:
DD estimators assume that in
absence of treatment the difference between control and treatment groups would
be constant or ‘fixed’ over time. DD estimators are a special type of fixed
effects estimator.
(A-B) :Differences in groups
pre-treatment represent the ‘normal’ difference between groups.
(A’-B) = total post treatment effect
= normal effect (A-B) + treatment effect (A’-A)
DD estimates compare the
difference in group averages for ‘y’ pre-treatment to the difference in group
averages post treatment. The larger the difference post treatment the larger
the treatment effect.
This can also be represented in
the regression context with interactions where t = time indicating pre and post
treatment and x is an indicator for treatment and control groups. At t= 1 there
are no treatments so those terms = 0.
The parameter b3 is our difference in difference estimator.
y = b0 + b1x +
b2t+b3xt + e
Greene, Econometric Analysis, 5th
Understanding Interaction Models: Improving Empirical Analyses. Thomas Bramber, William Roberts Clark, Matt Golder. Political Analysis (2006) 14:63-82
Elements of Econometrics. Jan Kmenta. Macmillan (1971)
Angrist and Pischke, Mostly Harmless Econometrics, 2009
Using Instrumental Variables to Account for Selection Effects in Research on First-Year Programs
Gary R. Pike, Michele J. Hansen and Ching-Hui Lin
Research in Higher Education
Volume 52, Number 2, 194-214, DOI: 10.1007/s11162-010-9188-x
Program Evaluation and the
Difference-in-Difference Estimator
Course Notes
Education Policy and Program Evaluation
Vanderbilt University
October 4, 2008
Difference in Difference Models, Course Notes
ECON 47950: Methods for Inferring Causal Relationships in Economics
William N. Evans
University of Notre Dame
Spring 2008
Understanding Interaction Models: Improving Empirical Analyses. Thomas Bramber, William Roberts Clark, Matt Golder. Political Analysis (2006) 14:63-82
Elements of Econometrics. Jan Kmenta. Macmillan (1971)
Angrist and Pischke, Mostly Harmless Econometrics, 2009
Using Instrumental Variables to Account for Selection Effects in Research on First-Year Programs
Gary R. Pike, Michele J. Hansen and Ching-Hui Lin
Research in Higher Education
Volume 52, Number 2, 194-214, DOI: 10.1007/s11162-010-9188-x
Program Evaluation and the
Difference-in-Difference Estimator
Course Notes
Education Policy and Program Evaluation
Vanderbilt University
October 4, 2008
Difference in Difference Models, Course Notes
ECON 47950: Methods for Inferring Causal Relationships in Economics
William N. Evans
University of Notre Dame
Spring 2008