Consider a random variable f(x|θ1….θm) and a sample x1…xn
Define the kth raw population moment as: μk’
=E(xk) which is some function of θ.This is referred to as the population moment condition and is
often expressed as an ‘orthogonality’ condition:
μk’ - E(xk) = 0 or more compactly as E[Ψ (xi,θ)] = 0
The sample analog of μk’ =mk’ = (1/n) Σ
xik .
The MM estimator is derived by equating the sample moments
to the population moments and solving for the parameters of interest.
This gives us the sample
analog to the orthogonality condition:
mk’ - μk’ = 0 or (1/n)Σ Ψ (xi’,θ)
Example: OLS
Let e = y-xb and Ψ (x,θ) = x(y-xb)
Our moment condition is then: E(xe) = 0 (which is one of the
familiar assumptions of OLS)
The sample analog:
1/n Σ x(y-xb) = 0
X’(Y-Xb) = 0 (matrix
X’Y-X’Xb = 0
b = (X’X)-1X’Y
Generalized Method of
The sample analog to the moment condition (1/n)Σ Ψ (xi’,θ)
often represents a system of ‘q’ equations and ‘p’ parameters. If q =p then we
have an identified system and can derive the MM estimator. If q>p then the
system is overidentified and the following quadratic form is specified:
min[(1/n)Σ Ψ (xi’,θ)]’W[(1/n)Σ Ψ (xi’,θ)] where the matrix W is a weigthing matrix.
GMM estimates are
derived from the above iteratively.
Jeff Thurk provides a very useful set of notes related to
GMM on his website:
Econometric Analysis,
William H. Greene . 1990.