A very good summarization for how this method works is given by Bret Zeldow and Laura Hatfield at the healthpolicydatascience.org website:
"The idea behind synthetic control is that a weighted combination of control units can form a closer match to the treated group than than any one (or several) control unit (Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller (2010)). The weights are chosen to minimize the distance between treated and control on a set of matching variables, which can include covariates and pre-treatment outcomes. The post-period outcomes for the synthetic control are calculated by taking a weighted average of the control groups’ outcomes. Many authors have extended synthetic control work recently (Kreif et al. 2016; Xu 2017; Ferman, Pinto, and Possebom 2017; Kaul et al. 2015)"
Bouttell and Lewsey (2018) provide a nice survey and introduction to the method related to public health interventions.
For a very nice tour of the math and example R code see this post at The Samuelson Condition blog.
A Toy Example:
See below for some completely made up data for this oversimplified example. But let's assume that we have some intervention in Kentucky in 1995 that impacts some outcome 'Y' in years 1996,1997, and 1998, maybe we are trying to improve the percentages of restaurants with smoke free policies.
Perhaps we want to consider comparing KY to a synthetic control based on the pool of states including TN, IN, CA and values of covariates and predictors measured prior to the intervention (X1,X2,X3) as well as pre-period values of Y.
Using the package Synth in R and the data below the weights used for constructing synthetic controls using states TN, IN and CA with KY as the treatment group are:
We could think of the synthetic control heuristically being approximately 2.1% of TN, 4.4% CA, and 93.6% IN. If you look at the data, you can see that these wieghts make intuitive sense. I created the toy data so that IN looked a lot more like KY than the other states.
As an additional smell test, if I constructed a synthetic control using only CA and TN, changing one line of R code to reflect only these two states:
controls.identifier = c(2,3), # these states are part of our control pool which will be weighted
I get the following different set of weights:
This makes sense because I made up data for CA that really is quite a bit different from KY. It should contribute very little as a control unit used to calculate a synthetic KY. (in fact maybe it should not be used at all)
The package allows us to plot the trend in outcome Y for the pre and post period. But we could roughly calculate the synthetic (counterfactual) values for KY by hand in excel and get the same plot using this small toy data set.
For instance, the value for KY in 1998 is .51 but the counter factual value created by the synthetic control is the weighted combination of outcomes for TN, CA, & IN or .021*.41 + .044*.95+ .936*.46 = .48097.
Using this small data set with only 3 states being part of the donor pool these results are not perfectly ideal, but we can see roughly that the synthetic control tracks KY's trend in the pre-period and we get a very noticeable divergence in the post period.
The difference between .51 and .48097 or 'gap' between KY and its synthetic control represents the counterfactual impact of the program in KY. Placebo tests can be ran and visualized using each state from the donor pool as a 'placebo treatment' and constructing synthetic controls using the remaining states. This can be used to produce a distribution of gaps that characterize the uncertainty in our estimate of the treatment effects based on the KY vs KY* synthetic control comparison.
The code excerpt below is an example of how we would designate CA to be our placebo treatment and use the remaining states to create its synthetic control. This could be iterated across all of the remaining controls.
treatment.identifier = 3, # indicates our 'placebo' treatment group | |
controls.identifier = c(1,2,4), # these states are part of our control pool which will be weighted |
R Code: https://gist.github.com/BioSciEconomist/6eb824527c03e12372667fb8861299bd
Abadie, Alberto, Alexis Diamond, and Jens Hainmueller. 2010. “Synthetic Control Methods for Comparative Case Studies: Estimating the Effect of California’s Tobacco Control Program.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 105: 493–505. doi:10.1198/jasa.2009.ap08746.
Alberto Abadie, Alexis Diamond, Jens Hainmueller
Synth: An R Package for Synthetic Control Methods in Comparative Case Studies
Journal of Statistical Software. 2011
Bouttell J, Craig P, Lewsey J, et al Synthetic control methodology as a tool for evaluating population-level health interventions J Epidemiol Community Health 2018;72:673-678.
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