Similar to ridge regression, LAR is a shrinkage estimator. It is similar to forward selection, but only enters 'as much' of the β estimate as necessary. The β estimate is increased with each iteration of the algorithm, approaching the least squares estimate of β.
1) Start with predictors near 0, let r = yi- yest
2) Find Xi most correlated with r.
3) Move βest --> βls until corr (Xi, r) = corr(Xj, r) for some Xj
4) Continue until all X's have been entered
If μk = Xβ, then LAR finds μk that makes the smallest angle between each of the predictors and r.
LAR, as a shrinkage estimator, minimizes a penalized residual sum of squares:
min{e'e + λβ)
where λ is a penalty or shrinkage factor.
Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO)
In essence, with LASSO we have a LAR estimator that is penalized such that |β| < c where c is some constant.
If we minimize the following penalized residual sum of squares:
If we minimize the following penalized residual sum of squares:
min{e'e + λ|β|)
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